Reshaping the 21st Century - Alberta is back
In January 2021, the US experienced armed protesters storming the Capital, challenging its election results. This February we in Canada experienced protests against Covid mandates employing a truck convoy. The protests were lightweight compared this March's protest as the Russian leader Putin protests history by employing tanks to seize Ukraine. I dare not speculate what lies ahead for April, but the trend is one of escalation. The NATO coalition is trying hard to tame its response in the face of Russia's inhuman violence.
The recent protests have each erupted - sharing the build up of big issues neglected and unresolved. Is there a common underlying factor? Is there a reason why reasonable people in our liberal agencies and institutions have failed to quell the unrest? Consider the impotence of the UN. Also consider the challenge of public health and public education to balance supplier and consumer, public and private, interests.
Why are people resorting to violence to resolve these pent-up frustrations. Why now? Has Covid and the associated isolation/ mandates suppressed expression to the point that grievances become socialized and explosive? Has the internet reached a point where minor events become major, serving to engage masses far beyond what institutions, including the police, have been accustomed or able to contain? Have education levels reached a point where formerly private citizens are disposed to engage in public protests that would have petered out in earlier generations? Unresolved public issues just seem to have reached a point where the lid has blown off. The mess has elevated the impact of misinformation/ propaganda/ conspiracies on the public.
The last time I witnessed such chaos was during the '60s when Kennedy was shot, the Cold War was peaking, desegregation riots were daily, urban warfare seemed imminent, and Vietnam followed. And now we have Putin's war increased energy insecurity muting simmering issues encompassed by ESG.
Barbara Shecter wrote in the National Post "Ukraine crisis puts focus on ESG principles". She cites how investors are reallocating their Russian assets noting: 1) Maybe they should have considered ESG before investing in Russia in the first place and 2) Musing whether ESG considerations will have a bearing on where the assets are next allocated.
Given the contrast between oil producing nations and their autocratic regimes and the west, Alberta may find itself again a preferred site for nations seeking energy security and investors seeking to reallocate their assets and capitalize on energy opportunities.
Why preferred? Canada is by comparison politically stable. Civil in applying the rule of law. Socially mature and well-educated. Possessing an inventory of the 3rd largest hydrocarbon reserves in the world. Extraordinary investment and technological progress in emissions reduction. Respectful of its environment and the relevance of balancing energy, environment, and economic objectives.
Add in that the impact of nations seeking energy independence from despotic oil producing nations and the Far East's appetite for energy and agri-foods. Stay tuned - Alberta is back. Stay tuned as we continue to seek and share what the public, industry, and government are doing to balance their shared energy, environment, and economic interests. - Editor
CONTRIBUTIONS received do not necessarily represent the views of the KEI Network
The silver-lining in war explored by Morgan Housel in "Surprise, Shock, and Uncertainty". - Jeff Uhlich
Siemens establishes four fellowships for: 1) investigating how to better understand and build upon direct human-machine collaboration through AI, 2) exploring a dynamic system-of-systems architecture that scales itself as environments change, 3) developing technologies for engineering resiliency, self-healing systems, 4) creating methodologies for digital twin validation and calibration. - Peter Kelly
ASHRAE has announced a call for abstracts for its International Building Decarbonization 2022 Conference, - Elona Malterre
"Bringing some sanity to the climate change debate" - visit NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT. - Eric Newell

Nuclear Watch
Social license restored - fusion by 2030
Philippines Relaunch
EU asked to rethink shutdowns
ITER put on hold
Core to economic resilience
Solar drawing water vapor
Converting CO2 into fuel
Steps to avoid early death
Energy Transition
Respecting the environment
$100 oil an impediment
Replacing oil by coal, gas or nuclear
Wild ride anticipated
Higher and longer
Inflation still rising
EuroZone nearing 6%
"Profiteering" a contributor?
Interest rate rise begins
Supply Chains
Trade barriers - Covid hangover
War as new threat
Food manufacturing impact
Forest product and housing
ESG Activism
Values-based advocacy
Anti-trust violation?
Corporations buying in?
Investors in Russia exposed
AI & VR - Metaverse
An illusion or new reality?
Used for improving therapy
Investing plunged
Criminals expunged
Signaling an economic decline
Warehousing seniors has to stop! - Editor
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